Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Drinking Solo confirms Season 2

Naver - OSEN : [Exclusive] Drinking Solo 2 is confirmed, changes the slot time to Friday & Saturday

1. [+745, -21] Wow welcome season 2 Keep the casts please

2. [+571, -21] Don't change the casts!!!

3. [+495, -14] Everything is ok as long as you keep the original casts

4. [+342, -7] ㅋㅋㅋ You will drink as you watch the show on Friday & Saturday

5. [+314, -12] Heol i like Season 2 but please don't change the slot time... Also keep the original casts!

6. [+78, -0] Why change the PD? Season 1's PD was good

7. [+61, -1] Everything is ok as long as Kim Wonhae Hyung-nim is thereㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+64, -2] Gose, Nogeurae, Professor Min, Professor Hwang, Director, Ddirori, Dong Young-ie, I want to see you all!

 9. [+51, -2] I hope they don't really change the cast!! I had fun watching this !ㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+48, -1] Ah.. No need to change the castsㅠ. It was already so fun...

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