Tuesday, May 9, 2017

[Spoilers] Man To Man ep 5 & 6 + Ratings

EP 5

Naver - TV Report : Park Haejin ♥ Kim Minjung's second kiss -> The start of relationship

1. [+726, -38] After Ahn Seobang, It's Kim Seobang ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Today too Kim Seobang was so handsome

2. [+613, -36] Owh !! The drama feels like just started but it's already the end of episodeㅠㅠㅠㅠ

3. [+507 -26] Kim Seobang ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+512, -47] Park Haejin is super handsome!!

5. [+448, -31] Guard Kim, Jjang !!!


Naver - Herald Pop : Park Haejin ♥ Kim Minjung kissed, the romantic relationship is starting

1. [+569, -34] The handsome Kim Seobang~ I am anticipated your guidance in the future as well

2. [+543, -36] I laughed like crazy since the first scene. Park Haejin's acting has no modesty

3. [+437, -30] So fun♥

4. [+425, -32] So fun!! Man to Man is getting so fun these days

5. [+396, -34] It is getting so fun~ I can't wait to see more of White Mochi Kim Seobang

6. [+182, -10] The rooftop shooting scene between two ghost agents. I thought Doha's call would screw up the mission but Seolwoo didn't even waver. So amazing

7. [+181, -11] The expert in push-pull relationship, Kim Seolwoo got puzzled because of Doha's dad. So funny. Guard Kim transformed to Kim Seobangㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+158, -9] Guard Kim becomes Kim Seobangㅋㅋㅋ

EP 6

Naver - Sports Choson : Can Park Haejin save Kim Minjung that being kidnapped?

1. [+685, -56] Today was so great. From Seol-Ha couple's sweet scene to thriller scene. Just continue like this, the drama will hit daebak!!

2. [+609, -41] Waa.. really fun. He will save Kim Minjung for sure. We all know that but the drama still makes us dying to watch the next episode. This drama is excellent in making viewers immerse in the story

3. [+534, -39] Ah.. How can i wait until next week .. Seolwoo is so sexy in the teaser for next episode

4. [+474, -42] Really fun ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ Park Haejin is so handsomeㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ Man to Man Jjang Jjangㅜㅜ

5. [+424, -30] This is really fun~~~!! I can't wait for next week !!!!

6. [+180, -20] He takes the love instead of the ring.. so cool.. heart fluttering..

7. [+166, -18] Park Haejin is no joke.. so crazy...

8. [+171, -20] Wa Seolwoo !! At the end he said this is my mission while turning the car.. so cool

Naver - Herald Pop : Kim Minjung must be happy, She has Park Haejin + Park Seongwoong by her side

1. [+767, -35] You need to be pretty first if you want those kind of oppa and boyfriend

2. [+631, -20] Skinship is to be done one by one  ㅋㅋㅋ WoonGwang oppa worried that his sister will get married after dating her boyfriend for only 2 days. So family-like

3. [+481, -27] Actor Yeo and Doha have warm relationship like siblings

4. [+413, -36] Viewers also happy because we have them by our sides

5. [+359, -30] I can't wait to watch episode 7!! so fun !!

Rating Ep 5 : 3,22

Rating Ep 6 : 2,45

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