Defendant exceeds 20% ratings

by - February 14, 2017

 Naver - Osen : Defendant rating goes up to 20,9% 

1. [+2946, -64] I wonder every episodes, how can he acts like that. God Ji Sung

2. [+1910, -57] Acting god, Ji Sung!! Lets get a daesang

3. [+1560, -49] Whatever they say, it is so fun

4. [+1257, -53]  Ji Sung Fighting !!

5. [+1142, -46] Defendant is so fun 

6. [+379, -36] The story moves on the slow pace, frustratingly. I am watching to see Ji Sung comes out from prison

7. [+237, -7] God Ji Sung. I can not say anything more. Kim Min Seok is also good at acting. I was crying at the facts that Ha Yeon is still alive

8. [+243, -15] As expected for Defendant. I was so invest on the story yesterday. Will be waiting for today episode
9. [+209, -15] Actor that we can trust, God Ji Sung. At this rate, Dae Sang is one the way to him 

10. [+180, -7] I knew the daugther is alive

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